
Mindfulness 2: Current Moments

Click READ MORE to launch the video. When one of my Guides/Angels reached out to Vickie Acklin from Reality Unmasked with a message for me, I listened. How could I know this divine messenger would be instrumental in my new series on Mindfulness, guiding me step by step?  Enjoy this 24-minute episode on Mindfulness.

Mindfulness 1: Wheels of Time

Click READ MORE to launch the video. How do they do it--those people who walk through life with smiles on their faces? In this new series on mindfulness, we’ll explore how to slip from the wheels of time and surrender to the magical pause of the present moment.

Threshold of Light

Click READ MORE to launch the video. When something strange and mystical happens, do you shrug it off as unbelievable? It is so significant that your first thoughts are “This can’t be real.”?   These happenings give us the opportunity for spiritual growth—IF we do not dismiss them as Coincidental, as meaningless beyond an uncanny or fascinating connection. These are thresholds of Light, inviting us to enter.    Stay turned and think what you would do. 

Too Busy? Try Bilocating.

Click Read More to launch the video. During night-time dreams and daydreams, our awareness splits. We are so involved in the dream that we forget about our physical bodies. But did you know you can train yourself to stay alert while dreaming? It’s a matter of programming ourselves to balance our awareness so we can be aware in multiple situations.    We are infinite beings of light. Step into your power and become aware of life that surrounds you. Our limitations are self-imposed. Become aware of who you are—at all times and in all places. Become empowered. Be love.

What are Your Signs?

Click READ MORE to launch the video. While reading a recent post about Remote Viewing, I had cold chills. Those chills have always alerted me to pay attention because something significant is about to happen. I did, and the result is this episode. What are your signs that “Guidance” is calling? What “Spidy” senses do you have? Regardless of what they are, pay attention.

Return to Hogwarts

Click READ MORE to launch the video. Monroe Institute in Virginia offers its participants a taste of Hogwarts. Stay tuned to this 8-minute episode to learn more.

Hummingbird Stillness

Click READ MORE to launch the video. Valuable life lessons come through the stillness of observation. Be still. Open your hearts. Look for the messages that surround you.   Recently, my messengers said, “Be ye like the hummingbird as she feeds. Is she not still within her flight? Within this stillness, she drinks freely from the nectar of life.”   My takeaway: we can live life to its fullest while also accessing stillness to hear the whispers of our angels.