Goddess I Am: 9-28-18 Before the meditation began, I saw broad streamers coming from above. These belts of energy were pink, and some were pink with a tinge of orange. There were golden threads on the edges of these energy ribbons. From a previous meditation, I understood that these represented Beth’s energy field. At the ground level, purple and violet colored bands of energy (representing Panache) began weaving across the floor. This represented a new foundation for Goddess I Am. When they connected with the streamers from Beth, a bubble was formed, encompassing the room. This colorful orb began to lift off, and I understood that we were no longer tethered to the 3D world of physicality. Within moments, the orb morphed into a beautiful iridescent bubble. Its rainbow sheen brightened everything around it. It floated upward, and then it separated into smaller orbs. I understood that these individual orbs represented us—the people in attendance. Each orb drifted ...