Morning Meditation at Goddess I Am: 06-29-18 I walked into the meditation room at Goddess I Am in Naples, Florida about 25 minutes early. I was the first to arrive, so I settled into my chair, planning to relax. But, within seconds, the messages began to flow. Temple. This most divine space is a temple, much as the pyramids of ancient times were built to honor the divine, so is this temple [Goddess I Am]. Just as pyramids were used to teleport consciousness into other dimensional reality, so is this temple. Your physical body, too, is a temple. Its purpose is to house the divine: your spirit, your soul, your essence. You can use the physical temple to move into other realms of existence. Listen! Listen to the quiet that whispers guidance from within. Look not for flashing signs, for they are meant to distract you from your life’s true path. But, instead, look from within. When you pick up a whisper or a thread from Guidance, honor it, follow it, and it will le...