Spirit Within: July 2019
Video: Spirit Within Click READ MORE to launch the video. July 19, 2019 Spirit Within: Goddess I Am While sitting in silence before the meditation began, these words flowed into my mind: July 19, 2019 Photo by Bruce Getty from Pexels Like the wind, silent, operating in the recesses of your world, so am I: your spirit, your God, your angel, your true essence. I am always with you. Quiet your mind and you will hear the music of all that is—the vibration of creation—for it lives within you. Our souls are connected. We are part of the Creator and in His/Her likeness we, too, were created. With this infinite power residing within, we can learn to manifest and create our lives. Be at one with spirit. Know that I am with you, guiding you every step. Learn to hear with your heart. Learn to see with your heart and My guidance will come forth as the gentle breeze on a summer’s day, as the songbird sings, as ocean waves lap on the shore. Learn to step on the wisdom path by following that gent...