
Showing posts from June, 2023

God, Aliens, and a Cuppa Coffee, Part 2

Click READ MORE to launch the video. Major Lori Rehfeldt welcomes back Candice Sanderson to finish the first episode of God, Aliens, and a Cuppa Coffee. Listen to Lori's fascinating story of her close encounter, and check out the pic of orbs near the end of the episode. Are these out-of-body experiences, astral travel, or 3-D encounters of the 5D? You be the judge of these extraordinary spiritually transformative experiences

Shamanic Journey into the Lower World

Click on Read More to launch the video. You feel it within seconds. As the drum beats, your heart comes into resonance with it. It's this coherence that jumpstarts the process of the "journey." Check out my journey into the lower world, a spontaneous journey that accompanied a brief drumming session, as I explored the strange and marvelous world of the 5D.  Beating a buffalo drum mimics the beat of the heart, resulting in adventures into shamanic realms like the lower world. Check out this episode as I describe my journey into the strange and marvelous world of the 5D.

God, Aliens, and a Cuppa Coffee Podcast, Part 1

Click READ MORE to launch the video. Welcome to Part 1 of my interview with Major Lori Rehfeldt from God, Aliens, and a Cuppa Coffee Podcast. The older I become, the stranger life seems...yet the more comfortable I become with the unknown. 

Bridging Earth to the Cosmos

Click READ MORE to launch the video. Just recently, the name Malkuth came to me in a meditation. Malkuth is a sephiroth in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. A couple days ago I chose an entry from my (500+ typed pages) Journal for my next YouTube episode. What a surprise! The entry I chose AT RANDOM was the episode where I first heard Malkuth. Among many things, Malkuth is a bridge between the cosmos and Earth.