
Showing posts from September, 2024

Been There, Done That

Yep, the video is a little cheesy, yet I have cold chills. Why?   I’ve been there as swift-moving colors of energy surround me as I approach a lighted horizon. I know this is my path, one I must follow. I move in silence, keeping in step with my pounding heart while my internal conversation repeats,  “Breathe, breathe, breathe. You’re almost there.”    If you’ve ever accompanied me to a meditation, you’re familiar with the routine. I insist on going early because messages begin before the event’s start time. While others get comfortable in their chairs, I’m furiously recording in my journal. I leave plenty of space, knowing the messengers often add bits and pieces later.   My guides arrive through waves of energy frequencies that, for some reason, I can perceive—just like the video. I recognize color, shape, movement, and intensity, but I also experience a space beyond my ability to comprehend, a space that simultaneously contains anything, everything, and nothing.   Over the years, I’