Dao: 02-18-2018
As I walked the beach on February 17, I asked about the Dao, especially since I had received a Dao blessing a week
As I walked,
I felt a profound connection to all that is.
We are all
Although somewhat
a cliché, these words are the “unwords” that guide humanity. The Dao is a path.
The Dao is the way. By allowing and letting go of the surrounding material
world, you allow your Inner Wisdom from your heart to lead you.
The Path
of Wisdom is not a location. The Path to Truth is found within the heart. Take
a deep breath and with that breath, watch the breath leaving the physical body
and entering the space that surrounds you.
Now is the
time to find the Path. Now is the time to find your Truth. Now is the time to
come to the realization that we are all one.
But how
shall we follow this path? How does the melted snow find its way to a trickle
and then to a stream, a river, an ocean? It does so by allowing.
The Dao is
unspoken. The Dao just “is.” Recognize the truth and beauty from within and
trust the beauty that comes back to you tenfold. As the Beauty Way returns to
you through your heart, know that you have stepped onto the Path of the Dao.
What an HONOR it is to read these words.